Dr. Guy A. Boysen Serves as Guest Editor for Special Issue of Academic Journal

Lebanon, IL (10/14/2021) — Dr. Guy A. Boysen, professor of psychology, has served as guest editor for a recently published two-part special issue of the academic journal, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. This issue in particular is devoted to the teaching of the Introductory Psychology course.

Dr. Boysen was chosen as guest editor because of his extensive experience with the journal, along with his involvement in the American Psychological Association's (APA) Introductory Psychology Initiative. He has served as a consulting editor on the journal since 2015, and he is the journal's most frequently published author with 13 previous articles successfully submitted.

Dr. Boysen's work as guest editor started over one year ago. He and his co-editor selected research proposals from scholars for inclusion in the special issue. Then, they facilitated the peer review of the completed research projects and edited them for publication.

Over one million students take Introductory Psychology each year, making it one of the most popular educational offerings at American colleges. Because of the importance of this course, the APA has created a taskforce to shape its instruction and the training of instructors. As the primary outlet for research on the teaching of psychology published by the APA, the special issue focuses on that particular facet of training.

The first special section, published in the current issue of the journal, includes four articles that provide a broad overview of the Introductory Psychology course as it currently stands and as it might be envisioned, based on the APA's Introductory Psychology Initiative. Another special section will be published in the next issue of the journal. The second special section consists of five empirical studies of instructional methods used in the course.

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